Impact of Training Counselling Program to Developing Positive Thinking and Social Responsibility among Teachers of Learning Disabilities in Light of Professional Practice
Positive Thinking, Social Responsibility, Learning DisabilitiesAbstract
This study was conducted during (2016-2017) in university of Jazan, faculty of education, department of special education. The study aimed to exploring impact of training counselling program to developing positive thinking and social responsibility among teachers of children with (LD) in light of professional practice. Researchers used experimental method, applied positive thinking and social responsibility scales, designed by researchers used as study tool. The community of study consisted of (20) from teachers of children with learning disabilities. The sample was chosen purposely included control group (10) teachers and experimental group (10) teachers, Researcher used SPSS depends on T-test for one sample, Pearson correlation coefficient, Alpha equation, regression. Finally, the results are as following: the level of social responsibility among teachers of children with learning disabilities is significant(high), the level of positive thinking among teachers of children with learning disabilities is significant(high), background is influence on social responsibility, age is influence on social responsibility. Training counselling program is effective to developing positive thinking and social responsibility.
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