Analysis of The Impact of Fuzzy Logic Algorithm On Handover Decision in A Cellular Network
Optimised Handover Decision, Received Signal level (RxLev), Received Signal Quality (RxQual), Fuzzy Inference SystemAbstract
Fuzzy logic is one of the intelligent systems that can be used to develop algorithms for handover. For success in handing over, the decision-making process is crucial and thus should be highly considered. The performance of fixed parameters is not okay in the changing cellular system environments. The work done on this paper aims to analyse the impact of utilising the fuzzy logic system for handover decision making considering the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) network. The results from the different simulations show that the need to handover varies depending on the input(s) to the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). By increasing the number of data, thus the criteria parameters used in the algorithm, an Optimised Handover Decision (OHOD) is realised.
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