Optimization of handover in mobile system by using dynamic guard channel method
GSM, handover failure rate, call drop rate, dynamic Guard channel, JAVA, Quality of Service (QoS)Abstract
Handover process is a very essential process in the Global System for Mobile Communication system (GSM). Its study is one of the major key performance indicators in every GSM network, and its linked to the quality of service of an each service provider strives to attain. The failure of the handover process is regarded as the drop of quality of service which in turn dissatisfies the customers. This study, contributes more on improving call drop rate in general, reduce handover failure rate and thus save on upgrade costs, this will be beneficial to GSM service providers to easily optimize their network faults relating to the resource management. In this paper, dynamic guard channel algorithm is presented that was developed using JAVA Software. This algorithm prioritizes the handover calls over the new originated calls. All handover calls are ongoing calls and if they are dropped it causes frustrations. Matlab was used to compare simulated results to the other schemes by use of graphs and charts. From this paper we were able to establish and come up with a definitive solution to the handover crisis befalling telecommunication companies.
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