Laboratory Course Modular Design for Learning Magnetic Components in Power Conversion Applications at Taipei Tech
power conversion, magnetic components, converter, designed modular course, learning and hands-onAbstract
The main theme of this paper is to present the laboratory course modular design for learning and hands-on magnetic components in power converters. The objective of the course is to give the students to model the converters, realize magnetic components and test the implemented converters via the hands-on work in order to improve practical skills of students under the insufficiency of regular course training. This designed course is based upon the modular concept of five modules in common use which include forward converter, flyback converter, push-pull converter, half-bridge converter and full-bridge converter. The controllers for these converter modules include voltage mode control and peak current mode control. The specifications for each converter module are the same, 48V/12V, 60W and 100 kHz of switching frequency. The designed modular curriculum has been applied to the Industrial Technology Research and Development Master (ITRDM) Program sponsored by the industry and government. And excellent acknowledgment from students is received for providing practical training and covering the wide range of magnetic components in power conversion applications.
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