Model of Open Scientific Information Management in Events
open access, scientific content, video poster, product informationAbstract
In the process of scientific research, communication is essential. The insertion of Information and Communication Technologies have modified the profile of the researchers and the daily life of their researches. In response to these changes, this article proposes the adoption at scientific events of the video poster, replacing the poster on paper or canvas. The objective is to propose a model of Management of Open Scientific Information of Video in Events, as a means of scientific communication. This research was developed based on the literature review of models of this type of management, the information collected in interviews with the managers of the events that used the video poster as a strategy of scientific communication, and the data collected through a survey, sent to event participants. The results, after treatment of the data and confrontation of the ideas of the managers with the opinions of the participants, point out that the video poster has the potential to prolong and even perpetuate the products of scientific communication in events and to promote the scientific divulgations, besides the possibility of reuse, as an educational resource. As result of the research, the proposal of an open scientific information management model for the use of event managers is presented.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Lívia Regina Nogueira dos Santos, Maria do Carmo Duarte Freitas, Helena de Fátima Nunes Silva

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