Flexible Work Model Based on Autopoiesis Principles

A Case Study


  • Daniela de Oliveira Massad Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • Marilena Marangoni de Lorenzi Cancelier Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • Inara Antunes Vieira Willerding Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • Waldoir Valentim Gomes Junior Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • Édis Mafra Lapolli Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil




Flexible work, Autopoiesis, Organization, Knowledge


This article presents definitions on flexible work and presents the case study of a company in which its model is based on the principles of autopoiesis, having as main characteristics flexibility and autonomy in the accomplishment of work. Firstly, through bibliographical research, it is possible to observe that the evolution of new work formats challenges the conventional model of fixed physical offices and defined schedules, which are models adopted in the organization of work in the industrial society. Autopoiesis is also presented, which, although it is still in a process of theoretical evolution and application in other areas, brings the original contributions of biology to justify the possibility of implanting models that consider the autonomy of individuals in self-management and self-production, allowing the work in a flexible and autonomous manner, consistent with the demands of a knowledge-based society. Lastly, the case study presents a model that uses the principles of autopoiesis to form an organization that has flexibility as the main characteristic in the accomplishment of work, based on individual autonomy. The contributions of this study point to the need for the labor market to accept new models and formats that intend to meet the demands of individuals regarding the organization of work.


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How to Cite

Massad, D. de O., Cancelier, M. M. de L., Willerding, I. A. V., Junior, W. V. G., & Lapolli, Édis M. (2018). Flexible Work Model Based on Autopoiesis Principles: A Case Study. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 6(3), 121-133. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol6.iss3.990

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