Purpose of the use of technologies in the contemporary models of Corporate University
Corporate University, Stakeholder University, Networked Corporate University, Technologies, Knowledge ManagementAbstract
This paper aims to identify the purpose of the use of technologies in the contemporary models of corporate university: Stakeholder University (SU) and Networked Corporate University (NCU). To accomplish it, we carried out a systematic search in the main electronic bases of scientific documents, categorizing the studies by means of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy. This search enabled to distinguish the purpose of the use of technologies in corporate universities, such as the purpose of integration between different stakeholders in relation to knowledge. The research highlights the Corporate University in addition to an environment of education; but an area of innovation in which the integration of stakeholders, university and organization constitutes an important interaction and sharing networks. By identifying the technological characteristics and tools, it points out new approaches of technological integration in the mediation between stakeholders in order to promote networked learning. That is, to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create (Bloom's Taxonomy), but, especially, to generate value from these relationships. The conclusion is that the distance education technologies, the knowledge media, and the engineering and knowledge management tools arise as enablers of the purpose of creating technologies to generate shared knowledge and stakeholder interaction, according to the models of SU and NCU.
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