Desire architecture

Behavior change theory


  • Ricardo Fontes Macedo Sergipe Federal University, Brazil
  • Liaria Nunes da Silva Sergipe Federal University, Brazil
  • Robelius De-Bortoli Sergipe Federal University, Brazil



Desire, Behavior Change, Gamification, Interface, Feedback


People can change their behavior and wants to change it rapidly to acquire the benefits. This generates a need for a behavior change theory connected with their desire and this can be mediated by a manager. Gamification is a process that guide a person to  Flow experience througth intuitive identification of individual’s gameful profile. Hence, this paper formulates the Desire Architeture Theory – a gamify process - which aims to acceletate the user behavior change based a user desire activation


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How to Cite

Macedo, R. F., Silva, L. N. da, & De-Bortoli, R. (2019). Desire architecture: Behavior change theory. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(2), 22-27.