Rhythm is a Dancer
An Essay about Affectfulness as a Parameter of Human Development
Dance, Human Development, Affectfulness, Corporeity, Rhythm, Self-realizationAbstract
This essay is an invitation to consider the possibilities of dancing as a process of education and human development. The intention of this theoretical work is to bring some foundations about how human development may benefit from dancing as a reference for constructing parameters based on affectivity and the search for existential self-realization. With this ambition, we explore the notions of human development, corporeity, affectivity, interaction, playfulness, arts and dancing. The primary foundation is the Theoretical System of Affectfulness and the respective concepts of Affectfulness and Psychic Cell. Further, we dialogue with other authors in order to expand the discussion. We support dancing as an artistic expression with the potential to extend individual’s perception, balance and sensitivity. If experienced as an activity connected with the sense of harmony that gives us existential pleasure, i.e. if the dancers experience corporeity while willing to connect to the implicit needs of their bodies towards a rhythmic harmony, dancing may lead to discovery of the unfragmented essence of being, in consonance with nature and the universe. This is owed to the potential of dancing to outline affective-emotional parameters that may serve as models to be generalized to other interactional situations, contributing to nourishing a cycle of more positive and pleasant interactions.
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