Educational approach for fault detection in Internal Combustion Engines with Matlab Toolbox Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic, Matlab Toolbox, Computer ScienceAbstract
Fuzzy logic is the logic defined from the theory of fuzzy sets. It differs from the crisp logic (traditional) in their characteristics and their details. In textbooks on fuzzy inference systems, exemplified superficially implementation creating doubts among computer science students. Traditionally, teachers teach IC with the use of conceptual models. This model was to serve specified parameters computing courses, allowing students to study and development of computational models using Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (MFLT) for fault detection in engines. This paper proposes an academic learning model based on fuzzy inference and modeling to detect incipient faults in components of internal combustion engines.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Alarico Gonçalves Nascimento Filho, Jandecy Cabral Leite, Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento, Jorge Almeida Brito Junior, Carlos Alberto Oliveira de Freitas, Rafael Teles Rocha

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