Evaluation of environmental changes as a function of climatic variables from 2008 to 2018 in the city of Manaus - Amazonas
Climate phenomena, El Niño, AmazonAbstract
El Niño intensifies the temperature increase in the Amazon region, causing heat and extreme drought in much of the Amazon, in Manaus the process of urbanization intensifies the temperature increase of the city. This study aims to perform an analysis of climatological variables of the city of Manaus-AM, from January 2008 to December 2018, through the maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation and relative humidity in order to show the increase in temperature through statistical analysis showing the temperature. year of greatest impact. According to the results obtained, in 2008 Manaus recorded the lowest minimum temperature in the period being 23.4 ° C, characterizing the minimum maximum temperature with 32 ° C, it is noted that due to the presence of the negative phase of ENSO ( La Niña) in 2008 the precipitation level in the region was high, contributing to the low temperatures and the relative air humidity averaged 87%, and the highest annual average of the maximum and minimum temperature in the study period occurred in 2015. , being 33.5 ° C and 25.7 ° C, due to the positive phase of ENSO (El Niño), temperatures in the capital were high, with little precipitation during the year directly impacting the relative humidity (75%). . Therefore, the positive / negative ENSO anomalies had a major influence on the climatic variables in the year 2008 and 2015, characterizing low temperatures in 2008 and high temperatures in 2015.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Wallace Cevalho da Silva, Rândrea Grazziella Verçosa Guimarães, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar, Gisele de Freitas Lopes

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