Mobile Android APP Proposal Using an Inventor Platform Applied to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
APP INVENTOR, Technological development, Natural resourcesAbstract
This paper reports on the implementation of the efficient Manaus project, with the objective of developing a mobile application that expires on energy saving, related to environmental issues, since energy production, advanced natural resources. This application is designed to be used in a residential unit to provide residents with information on formula applications that explain the generation and energy expenditure of household electrical appliances, use or usage tests, and usage of the device. lowering values and minimizing the use of environmental resources. Thus, through a process of raising awareness of the knowledge gained from research in recent years, as well as providing quality content and ease of access, use the Google platform "APP INVENTOR" as a framework for testing results. Therefore, compile information on the best use of energy from a variety of information, including the elaboration of a Quiz, which addresses questions such as: where does electricity come from; tariff flags; efficient equipment; and electricity security, implemented in the application where they were supported by tools such as cartridges, and information from the agencies that reference each of these themes. This mode generates positive expectations for the future, which can create numerous other applications with information that helps to understand products, processes, changes in the sustainability context, to minimize impacts by new technologies.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Anderson de Jesus Lopes Castro, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar, Ricardo Silva Parente

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