Implementation of Time and Method Studies for Improvement Continues in Productive Efficiency of the Mini System Production Line
Times and Methods, Continuous improvement, Productive efficiencyAbstract
This article discusses the relevance of implementing a proposal that aims to apply the study of times and methods in the production line of the Mini System, a device that promises a sound with more power, quality and functionality produced by a company from Manaus Industrial Polo. The overall objective is to show that by calculating production times and methods it is possible to increase the company's capacity and reduce labor. The specific objectives are: to map the productive process; measure operation cycles, through time and production lead time; identify bottlenecks and constraints; identify losses; and propose improvement actions. Therefore, the methodology used was a biographical research, carried out through systematic studies in books, articles and websites; This was followed by field research through data collection in the Mini System assembly operation, focusing on the analysis of the total time spent on the production line. The results achieved with the study were put into practice, showing positive changes in efficiency, increased production, reduced labor and financial savings.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Fabrício dos Santos Silva, David Barbosa de Alencar, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa, Marden Eufrasio dos Santos

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