Academic Management and Contemporary Gaps
academic management, student learning, Scientific Research, Intangible assetsAbstract
It is challenge to contemporary academic management to fullfil the demands of the labor market, and to have improvements with the this, considering the scientific development; through the analysis of intangibles like student performance, which can generate positive results with repercussion on institutional reputation. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2018) the adequate professional qualification results in employment for qualified individuals; while activities more prone to automation are observed, and greater chance of unemployment for those with low qualification. In this research there was the reading of 447 abstracts of publications, obtained by refinements applied on 4,491 initial registers, and selected 20 considering the performance of the students as a parameter of the university administration, with the objective of identifying gaps of academic management, resulting: to contemplate student learning as a dependent variable, and to extend to the documents the origin of the research data.
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Accepted 2020-05-02
Published 2020-05-01