The adoption of an indicator panel in educational management to decision-making support
perception of managers through UTAUT model
UTAUT, Technology acceptance and use, Public sector, Information Technology, Decision support system, Paraconsistent logicAbstract
The use of technology to assist in the performance of daily activities and to carry out communication between individuals has become a necessary task in the face of technological advances. In the context of public institutions, the insertion of technology is also based on the possibilities of making the activities of this sector more efficient and better quality, in addition to allowing greater transparency and accessibility of information for society. For public managers, the information and communication technology tools allow for a more accurate assessment of the variables and possibilities involved in a decision-making process and, thus, to make better decisions in a sector whose main customer is society (users). Therefore, this paper aimed to analyze the use and acceptance of a decision support tool in a public educational institution called the Indicators Panel. For this, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was used, and the results were measured using the paraconsistent logic. The results indicate that it is possible to consider the use and acceptance of the decision support system in the public educational institution by reducing the propositions of the UTAUT Model in three factors: Usability, Performance, and Relationship. Regarding the UTAUT Model, it was found that the moderating variables of gender, age, and experience do not significantly influence the adoption of the decision support system. It is important to note that managers point the tool as very important for the development of their activities and emphasize that ease of use is one of the main points for the adoption of technology.
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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01