The fifth discipline and teachers competence
The Fifth Discipline, the Teachers Competence, Personal Mastery, Team learningAbstract
This study aims to identify the practice of the learning organization in improving teachers competence. The learning organization run as a guideline for teachers in order to enhance the teachers' spirit in learning. The model used in this learning organization is the Fifth Discipline. It is consist of personal skills, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and system thinking. The Fifth Discipline was developed as a model that can provide a new input for the teachers so that they can learning continue to improve their competency. The method used in this study was mixed methode between quantitative and qualitative methods. This study was conducted at the Junior High School district Sidenreng Rappang South Sulawesi with a total of 500 teachers as samples. The findings of the analysis performed by using SPSS 18.0 indicates that there is a significant correlation (r = .341, p <.05) between the practice of the learning organization and the teachers competency. This analysis indicates that the null hypothesis (Ho) in this study was rejected. This shows that the independent variables of learning organization (X) and the dependent variable of teachers competency (Y) has a positive relationship to improve teacher competence at the Junior High School district Sidenreng Rappang South Sulawesi Indonesia.
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