Analysis of kefir information propagated in digital media
kefir, fermented milk, media, health benefitsAbstract
The amount of available information in the media grows continuously and, frequently, it does not have a basis in the scientific literature. In the area of food and nutrition, the contents are available on social media profiles, websites and blogs, which usually appoint some foods as “superfoods” – able of curing diseases or inhibiting their development – or, on the other hand, classifying other foods as the cause of damage to health. Kefir-based products can be classified in the first category, being considered a “superfood” by the media. Thus, the aim of this study is to search for information about kefir in digital media and to evaluate such information based on scientific articles. The contents were collected from 50 websites or blogs, using Google as a search tool. The data obtained were divided into 25 positive categories and 5 negative categories. One made a comparison with the scientific literature. Analyzing the information about kefir, the majority has a scientific basis, however, digital media put the research data in a superficial way, without clear information to readers.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Luana Carolina Manara , Janaína Aparecida Saulino Fagundes , Daniele Flaviane Mendes Camargo , Ana Lúcia Alves Caram, Mônica Roberta Mazalli, Eliana Setsuko Kamimura, Rafael Resende Maldonado

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Accepted 2020-07-29
Published 2020-08-01