COVID-19, nutrition, immunity, SARS-CoV-2, nutrientsAbstract
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2. This virus has become a major public health concern worldwide, causing a collective outbreak, leading to the pandemic in 2020. People become infected with other common coronaviruses throughout their lives, but currently the concern is the COVID-19 type due to its severity in some cases. The immune system protects the body against external aggressions and preserves the body's homeostasis, and nutrients are involved in the development and preservation of this system. Considering the degree of complications that can occur in an individual with COVID-19, regardless of their age group, and in some cases even lethal, there was an interest in researching studies about this disease, and which nutrients are mentioned in the literature regarding immunity in this disease. The aims of this research were to describe concepts about the disease COVID-19 and to identify nutrients involved in the immunity and treatment of this disease, through a literature review in the period from December 2019 to October 2020. There is no doubt that it is essential to maintain an adequate nutritional status, through a balanced diet that can contribute to a better coping with the infectious state. Supplementation of vitamins, minerals, probiotics and prebiotics can provide the immune system, several of them were cited as an adjunct to the treatment of COVID-19, including their doses, but there was a lack of agreement regarding the dose of nutrients. Obviously maintaining social distance, wearing masks and proper hygiene are essential to reduce the risk of contamination, while not having access to vaccination.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ana Lúcia Alves Caram, Gracinalda de Oliveira Silveira, Edna Cristina Mariano de Lima, Anna Christina Aires Braga Carneiro , Josiane Ferreira de Mello, Eliana Setsuko Kamimura, Mônica Roberta Mazalli, Thelma Josiane Ferreira de Mello , Ana Raquel Medeiros Beck , Rafael Resende Maldonado

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Accepted 2021-01-05
Published 2021-01-01