Use of wood waste from Amazonian tree species for the manufacture of products with regional identity
Regional identity, Wood waste, Amazonian woods, Coffee table, Product designAbstract
Based on the problem of the quantity of wood waste generated by the timber milling process in sawmills in the state of Amazonas and the possibility of manufacturing products using this material, the aim of this study was to develop a product with regional identity made from this wood waste. The research process involved analysis of cultural issues in the North Region of Brazil and the quantity and quality of wood waste present in the Wood Engineering and Artefacts Laboratory (LEAM/INPA). This wood was donated by the company Mil Madeireira, located in the municipality of Itacoatiara in the state of Amazonas. Assessment of the regional themes of northern Brazil found that animals are represented in many products. This is especially true for handicrafts, where artisans seek to represent animals typical of the region in carvings, paintings, sewing and other crafts. As a result, a mood board was created with images of the most popular animals in the North region. The product was developed from hand drawings and 3D modeling to check the relationship between the pieces. Later, a physical prototype was developed using sawmill waste from the species Peãozinho (Micrandropsis sclerorylum W. Rodr), Cardeiro (Scleronemoma micranthum) and Mandioqueira (Qualea paraenses), after their classification. Based on the quality and quantity of waste generated from milling, one of the proposed alternatives was a coffee table called Arara (Macaw). The coffee table consists of 5 (five) pieces: 4 (four) of wood and 1 (one) of glass. In search of satisfactory results, this idea arose based on two factors: the aesthetic and emotional appeal, and modularity. The product was generated from analysis of elements of the northern Brazilian regional identity and the classification of waste from milling of certified wood and forestry residues. It has been observed that much of the wood is discarded or is burned to generate energy. In addition to the amount of wood wasted, two other factors were also analyzed: the first is the possibility of generating value through the culture of the northern region, specifically that of the state of Amazonas, through the manufacturing of products, and the second is to leverage the production of the wood industry. The product is easy to construct and the process can be taught to third parties, since the technical details are presented so as to facilitate its large-scale production.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Geislayne Mendonça Silva, Claudete Catanhede do Nascimento
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Accepted 2020-12-20
Published 2021-01-01
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