The Relevance of Learning Brazilian Sign Language to The Socialization of Deaf People
Deafness, Libras, Relevance, Learning, InclusionAbstract
Through Law nº 10.436 of April 24, 2002, the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) was made official as a way of communication and expression. From it, the visual-motor language system, with its own grammatical structure, constitutes a language system for transmitting ideas and facts, originating from deaf people communities in Brazil. The Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (Law nº 13.146 of July 6, 2015) establishes, among others, the provision of bilingual education, with LIBRAS as the first language, and the writing mode of Portuguese as a second language in bilingual schools and classes, as well as in inclusive schools. Within this context, a descriptive exploratory research was conducted at the Center for the Training and Support of Deaf People (CAS), in São Luís/MA. We aimed at investigating the relevance of learning Brazilian Sign Language in the socialization of deaf people, considering the perception of CAS students. Ten deaf students who were currently learning LIBRAS at the Center participated in the study, out of which seven were males and three were females aged between 17 and 36 years old. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, considering the ethical procedures involving human beings. Results indicated that deaf students learning LIBRAS at CAS do so due to a number of reasons, such as communicating with hearing people, learning, working, having autonomy, being able to leave home, making friends, and spending time with other people. Within this context, the LIBRAS interpreter is of great relevance to the social, educational and professional inclusion of deaf people, as well as a communication mediator between deaf and hearing people. However, the LIBRAS teaching-learning process still requires a more efficient socialization and/or operationalization, aiming to reach society in general, and to include deaf people, thus breaking up myths, stigmas, prejudices, discriminations and unfavorable social actions related to the disability and their human potential. Employing a sensitive look and listening to the exclusion situations many deaf people are suffering is urgently needed to safeguard the respect to the human being and to the deaf people’s culture.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Thelma Helena Costa Chahini, Ana Karina Verde Sampaio Mendes, Naysa Christine Serra Silva
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Accepted 2020-08-28
Published 2020-09-01
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