Native Languages in Post Independent Algeria

The Case of Berber


  • Ikram youcef Oran 2 University



Berber, mother tongues, language diversity, attitudes, corpus planning


The present paper purports to shed light on the sociolinguistic picture of Berber in Algeria through providing both a descriptive and critical analysis as far as language diversity and mother tongues are concerned. An attempt has been also made to echo the case of Berber as a native language and its potential at the ethno- cultural level. With the aim of evaluating the situation of Berber, we promptly address the following questions: (i) Can diversity be regarded as a cultural richness? (ii) To what extent can Berber be able to generate positive attitudes towards learning it? (iii) What are the implications of its corpus planning?


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Author Biography

  • Ikram youcef, Oran 2 University

    Dept. of English


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How to Cite

youcef, I. (2020). Native Languages in Post Independent Algeria: The Case of Berber. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(10), 80-86.
Received 2020-08-26
Accepted 2020-09-21
Published 2020-10-01