Model to classify and reduce rework in the production of digital routers in a PIM Company
Rework, Classification, Conceptual ModelAbstract
Rework has been a challenge for organizations, especially in Brazil, where there is still a lot of waste of resources (IDB, 2018; EMBRAPA, 2018). This case study aims to contribute to improving the classification and reduction of rework in the sectors involved with the production of digital routers from the company EX da Amazônia (fictitius name), located in the Industrial Pole of Manaus. To this end, bibliographic research and methodology with seven phases, allowed to develop and apply a questionnaire to 71 employees who work in seven sectors involved with the processes of the organization's digital routers. The analysis was carried out with descriptive statistics, which allowed the identification of the best concepts for the term, the main problems, their causes, and effects, as well as reaching the main conclusion that the best model to classify and reduce reworks in the organization, must be developed by senior management, based on an interdepartmental approach, with diagnoses of the situation in each department, as well as the adoption of an annual plan to combat rework, supported by the use of information and communication technologies, awareness campaigns, continuous training, IT tools, quality approaches for improvement projects, audits, standardization, identification and dissemination of good practices, and recognition of employees.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ciellei Gomes de Sousa, Jonas Gomes da Silva
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Accepted 2020-09-30
Published 2020-10-01
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