Review of Clinical Factors That Cause Acne Vulgaris
skin disorder, pilosebaceous follicle, etiopathogenesis, pathophysiologyAbstract
Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder caused by inflammation and/or blockage of the pilosebaceous follicle. This research is a literature review study that is descriptive in nature and seeks to compile information on the factors related to the etiopathogenesis of the clinical manifestations of acne vulgaris. A survey was conducted in the Web of Science database in the period from January to May 2019, using the keywords "acne vulgaris, etiopathogenesis and pathophysiology". The etiopathogenesis of acne vulgaris is multifactorial, but most studies list the following factors: like diet, daily habits, age, genetics, abnormalities in the production of sebum, follicular hyperkeratinization, increased colonization by Cutibacterium (formerly Probionibacterium) acnes, periglandular dermal inflammation, oxidative stress and immune reactions of the patient. Topical and/or systemic treatments for acne vulgaris, often includes retinoid-associated antibiotics. However, improper use of these can lead to bacterial resistance, in addition, it may trigger adverse effects at epidermis and dermis. The results obtained in this study are important in relation to the treatment of the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. It is believed that this information - when analyzed together - can help with a better definition of the therapeutic protocol.
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Accepted 2020-08-28
Published 2020-09-01