The Effectiveness Symbolic Technique In Speed Reading Arabic-Malay Writing
This study aimed the process of learning to read quickly Student Class V Elementary School 001 Bulang, Batam, Indonesia. This research was pre experimental research using design pre-test and post-test group, samples involved in this study were 36 student. The technique used to collect data in this study is the test pre and post. The pretest was done after learning by symbolic technique. Learning was done for 4 weeks with 80 minutes for each learning session. Training activities was done about 40 minutes during each learning lesson. The result show the student that are able to quick-speed read are the enough which is 118.125 word per minute with reading comprehension content of 62.5% (0.65.5) in the pretest. In the post test, student’s reading speed increased to 179.20 words per minute with reading comprehension content of 73.3% (0.733). Effective speed reading (CAMP) on both tests are classified well at 111.633 words per minute on the pre-test and 179.05 words per minute on the post-test.
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