Lessons Learned During Turbulent Times to Weather and Thrive in the Storm of COVID-19
agile management, Higher Education, COVID-19, Strategic Partners, Future BusinessAbstract
This article describes the lessons learned by our university during the global healthcare crisis of COVID-19. It highlights the agile solutions employed to continue learning under extraordinary circumstances. While we have captured the stories that allowed our students to power through this tumultuous period if they so desired, these lessons may also provide guidance to other higher education institutions not only for the current turbulent times, but also enhance their ability to pause and pivot by utilizing agile management to weather this and future storms.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Elizabeth Prejean, Melissa M. Aldredge, Weiwen Liao, Margaret S Kilcoyne, Carmella Parker

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Accepted 2020-10-23
Published 2020-11-01