Inlet crossing inspection in urban way based on road safety factors.
Securite Traffic, Walkability, Manaus CityAbstract
The reference object is located on two arterial avenues making the bridge for pedestrians to use bus lines from diferente urbna áreas. Bus terminals offer the option for passengers to use lines to different areas of their origin, in the city of Manaus there are some bus stops that perform this function, and the crossing under review is the tool that makes this connection between the places. Through Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and Traffic Agency data, the goal is to show that such a crossing does not serve the entire population.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Irauna Maicona Rodrigues de Carvalho, Luiz Mauro Brandolt, Átila Sielskis Vieira Ermes, Juliana Christine da Silva Granja

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Accepted 2021-01-06
Published 2021-01-01