Trends in information technology management




The paper presents an analytical exposition, critical context and integrative conclusion on the trends and best practices in Information Technology Management, and reviews and evaluates the key issues, trends and future direction of Modern Information Technology Management. IT is generally accepted as a key enabler of economic and technological growth. Managers implement new technology to change something: the organization, the nature of work, relationships with other organizations, or some other facet of business. Information Technology (IT) plays a vital role in leveraging productivity and efficiency in private organizations, governments and research. The value of IT in any organization depends on its infrastructure, which consists of computers, network and telecommunication technologies, data and core software applications. Information Technology (IT) is now a force and driver of modern technological development and globalization, and makes the management of information more efficient and effective. Technology management entails all management activities that determine the application of policy, objectives and responsibilities as well as their execution in an organization in terms of planning, allocating resources, organizing and ensuring outcomes that improve processes. The major IT Management issues are: Using technology to design efficient and effective organizations; Developing a plan for information technology in the organization; Using IT as a part of corporate strategy; Taking advantage of interorganizational systems; Deciding on and developing new applications of IT; Reengineering business processes; Adopting special applications; Changing the organization; Managing the IT infrastructure in a time of explosive growth and technological change; Deciding whether and what to outsource;  and Deciding how much to invest in IT. Knowledge and skills are a necessary and sufficient condition for technological progress. Developing countries lack enough skilled IT persons who can design, program, install, configure and maintain Information Technology in this constantly changing industry. Accordingly, lack of qualified and globally recognized IT professionals is seriously hampering IT adoption and development. Management Information Systems refer to information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, whereas IT Management refers to the IT related management activities in organizations.


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Author Biography

  • Peter Akubo Alabi , Federal University of Technology Owerri

    Department of Information Technology


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How to Cite

Alabi , P. A. (2021). Trends in information technology management. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(2), 405-419.
Received 2021-01-12
Accepted 2021-01-23
Published 2021-02-01