Application of fuzzy logic at the Port of Cotonou (Benin / West Africa) in analysis of port logistics viability




Fuzzy logic, Logistic Viability, Autonomous Port of Cotonou (PAC), Benin, West Africa


The Autonomous Port of Cotonou (PAC) located in West Africa has an access channel 15m deep, 11 berths, and an internal draft of 15m (maximum), and is connected with a road to serve continental countries such as Burkina-Faso, Chad , Mali, Niger and Nigeria. The PAC presents low productivity (average of 10,000,000 tons / year, 24.40% of the movement from the port of Lagos / Nigeria) in West Africa. This article aims to evaluate the application of fuzzy logic in the Autonomous Port of Cotonou (Benin) in the analysis of logistic viability. The methodology followed the fuzzy logic that is a support method for logistic decision-making, based on fuzzy rules (SBRF). It was used characteristic of Mamdani Matlab Toolbox with three membership functions (triangular, trapezoidal and Gaussian) to model the quality variables of infrastructures and services, equipment productivity, seeking a long-term way out of logistic viability. The result of logistic viability was medium term, equivalent to 13 years / 25 years; as far as the outcome of the future PAC is concerned. The logistic viability of the PAC depends on its input variables. The projection of this application was long term, at least 19 years / 25 years when the infrastructures are of good quality and the equipment is more modern and consistent with the current realities to satisfy the expectations of the customers.



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Author Biographies

  • Alphonse Hounsounou, Federal University of Para

    Master student in naval engineering, Graduation in Transport and logistic

  • Prof. Dr. Hito Braga de Moraes, Federal University of Para

    Vice-director of the institute of technology


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How to Cite

Hounsounou, A., Moraes, P. D. H. B. de, & Robrini, P. D. M. E. (2021). Application of fuzzy logic at the Port of Cotonou (Benin / West Africa) in analysis of port logistics viability. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(2), 209-225.
Received 2021-01-12
Accepted 2021-01-23
Published 2021-02-01