Governance proposal for an innovation center inserted in a referred ecosystem
The case of Maceió
Innovation Center, Governance, Local Innovation Ecosystem, Beehive Model, Innovation Habitats;Abstract
As an important economic and social transformation strategy that has been adopted throughout the world, the formation of local innovation ecosystems constitutes a network of cooperation in favor of local development through the innovation economy formed by different types of actors. Among these actors, innovation habitats stand out, in particular, innovation centers that bring together in a single location several mechanisms, programs and other habitats in one place, and can thus become an epicenter of innovation ecosystems. However, depending on the degree of maturity of the ecosystem, the management and integration of an innovation center may have certain difficulties in its execution, therefore, this article presents a governance model, called hive, based on the case of the innovation center Jaraguá in Maceió/AL, recently launched within an ecosystem still under construction. At the end, a unique new look at the governance of an innovation center in a reference ecosystem is launched, demonstrating its main obstacles, strengths and how the flow of knowledge is developed in it.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Danisson Luiz dos Santos Reis, Clarissa Stefani Teixeira, Alexandre Augusto Biz, Janaina Galdino de Barros, Tatyana Lima Marinho

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Accepted 2021-08-30
Published 2021-09-01