Epidemiological profile of covid-19 cases notified in the health secretary of Araguari City, MG, Brazil
SARS Cov-2, Pandemic, CoronavirusAbstract
In 2020, Public Health has experienced a period of pandemic with the confrontation against the disease that initially appears in China Popular Republic and spread worldwide population, causing, in addition to major public health disorders, numerous losses with a high rate of deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study aimed to analyze the epidemiological profile of COVID-19 in Araguari city, MG, Brazil, between March 2020 and November 2021. The study was carried out by collecting data on occurrences, deaths, age and sex of those people affected by the disease in the mentioned city. The information was extracted using a control spreadsheet prepared by the Planning and Epidemiology Departments of the Municipal Health Department. The data obtained were tabulated, analyzed and presented in the form of tables and figures. The pandemic triggered moments of fragility in the world health system and, in Araguari, caused high rates of its occurrence with great losses being 19,939 citizens who contracted the disease, with 474 deaths motivated by COVID-19. There was a prevalence of the disease in males and in people between 60 and 89 years old. The analysis of the evolution of COVID-19 cases, in absolute numbers, showed that between May and June 2020 there was an increase in COVID-19 notifications, as well as in the months of January to July 2021, with a reduction in August. Variations in the evolution of COVId-19 cases are probably related to the emergence of new variants of SARS-CoV-2.
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Accepted 2022-04-20
Published 2022-05-01