Covid-19 and pulmonary thromboembolism: a case report


  • Dora Inés Kozusny-Andreani Universidade Brasil (UB)
  • Nara Moraes Guimarães Curso de Medicina. Universidade Brasil
  • Letícia Martins Bertati Curso de Medicina - Universidade Brasil
  • Milena Ferreira Bessa Curso de Medicina - Universidade Brasil
  • Márcio César Reino Gaggini Professor of Medicine, Universidade Brasil
  • Bruna Pereira Curso de Medicina - Universidade Brasil
  • Anna Gabrielly Macias Curso de Medicina - Universidade Brasil
  • Vitor Hugo Ramos Alves Physician graduated from the Universidade Brasil
  • Maísa Stefani Lemes Pelarim Professor of Medicine, Universidade Brasil
  • Vanessa Cristina Machado Both Curso de Medicina - Universidade Brasil
  • Jamili Namara Freitas de Melo Universidade Brasil
  • Maurício Fernando Favaleça Professor of Medicine, Universidade Brasil



SARS-CoV-2, pandemic disease, pulmonary thromboembolism


COVID-19 is an acute viral infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This pandemic disease stands out for the marked variation in the clinical characteristics of patients, ranging from asymptomatic cases to severe organ dysfunction and death. Serious complications occur in the late phase of the disease or even after viral infection, and thrombotic events are one of these complications. In this context, this study aimed to report a case of an obese, young adult female patient with a complication of pulmonary thromboembolism after infection by COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Kozusny-Andreani, D. I., Guimarães, N. M. ., Bertati, L. M. ., Bessa, M. F. ., Gaggini, M. C. R. ., Pereira, B. ., Macias, A. G. ., Alves, V. H. R., Pelarim, M. S. L. ., Both, V. C. M. ., Melo, J. N. F. de, & Favaleça, M. F. . (2022). Covid-19 and pulmonary thromboembolism: a case report. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(7), 168-173.
Received 2022-05-17
Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01

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