Ozonized and natural compounds for in vitro Acinetobacter Baumannii treatment
Acinetobacter baumannii, Vegetable oils, Ozone, Antimicrobial activity, In vitro techniqueAbstract
Acinetobacter baumannii stands out as an opportunistic pathogen responsible for Healthcare-Related Infections. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of natural oils in natura and ozonated on A. baumannii mortality. The randomized experiment used the A. baumannii strain and natural oils (palm, canola, and coconut) ozonized and in natura (control group). Minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations and chromatography were employed in the study. Through the ozonized and fresh oils antimicrobial action, the natural oils' effectiveness and the bacteria mortality were evaluated. The data was submitted to the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. When comparing the natural oils, ozonized canola oil stood out as the most efficient in destroying the bacteria. The other ozonized oils showed a 90% reduction in the microbial load in the first ten minutes of treatment. For use in natura, palm oil stood out with 85.9% microbial load reduction. According to the results obtained, the antibacterial activity of natural oils is remarkable, showing that they were expressively effective in inhibiting the A. baumannii growth, presenting themselves as a new adjuvant therapy antibacterial drug. The study concluded that the ozonized oils are more efficient in both MIC and MBC when compared between the ozonized and the untreated groups. The bacteria are sensitive to the ozonized oils.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Wagner Rafael Da Silva, Dora Inês Kozusny-Andreani, Rogério Rodrigo Ramos

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Accepted 2021-03-22
Published 2021-04-01