High Brachial Artery Bifurcation Clinical finding in Cadaveric Specimen by Medical Students During Internship


  • Giulia Garcia Pedrão União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lagos (UNILAGO), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil
  • Thales Vinicius Candido da Silva Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.
  • Paulo Eduardo Novelini Universidade Brasil (UB), Fernandópolis, SP, Brazil.
  • Beatriz Ferratone Magalhães Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.
  • Danilo Anderson Pereira Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.
  • Carolina Maria Favarim Neujorks Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.
  • Rogério Rodrigo Ramos Universidade Brasil (UB), Fernandópolis, SP, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1977-4172




Anatomoclinic Understanding, Surgery Skills, Dissection, Brachial Artery Anatomical Variation, Radial Artery, Ulnar Artery


The high brachial artery bifurcation is an anatomical variation found in the arm segment. Although it does not present any alteration in the arterial blood functionality, it is considered a common spot for vascular lesions during surgical interventions that consist of the absence of anatomical knowledge. The research objective was to describe the high brachial artery bifurcation found in a cadaveric specimen from the anatomy laboratory as well as its main anatomoclinical aspects. Twenty-six upper limbs were investigated and dissected from the Universidade Brasil's Human Anatomy Laboratory, SP. These were formolized cadaveric specimens from both sexes. During upper limb dissection, arterial anatomical variations were observed in a single-arm segment. The variation was unilateral in the left hemisphere. The clinical findings were high brachial artery bifurcation and a rare case of the radial artery in the medial path, as well as an ulnar artery with a lateral path in the arm median third. It is clear that the understanding of anatomy and anatomical variations patterns is of utmost importance and a requirement for surgery, so surgeons need to be aware of clinical, anatomical, and arterial variations data, avoiding vascular lesions during the surgical interventions. Dissection is an important learning tool for students and resident doctors. It is suggested the use of dissection as a pedagogical resource to acquire skills in surgeries during internship and also to improve the anatomical variation cognition of upper limbs.


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Author Biographies

  • Giulia Garcia Pedrão, União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lagos (UNILAGO), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil

    Medical school

  • Thales Vinicius Candido da Silva, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.

    Medical school

  • Paulo Eduardo Novelini, Universidade Brasil (UB), Fernandópolis, SP, Brazil.

    Medical school

  • Beatriz Ferratone Magalhães, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.

    Medical school

  • Danilo Anderson Pereira, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.

    Medical school

  • Carolina Maria Favarim Neujorks, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Bauru, SP, Brazil.

    Medical school

  • Rogério Rodrigo Ramos, Universidade Brasil (UB), Fernandópolis, SP, Brazil.

    PhD, Department of Human Anatomy and Medical Residency Program in General Surgery in Anatomy for Residents


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How to Cite

Pedrão, G. G., Silva, T. V. C. da, Novelini, P. E., Magalhães, B. F., Pereira, D. A., Neujorks, C. M. F., & Ramos, R. R. (2021). High Brachial Artery Bifurcation Clinical finding in Cadaveric Specimen by Medical Students During Internship. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(2), 57-63. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol9.iss2.2946
Received 2021-01-14
Accepted 2021-01-23
Published 2021-02-01

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