Teaching hospital management during the undergraduate nursing course
Teaching, Students, Nursing, Education, Nursing, Nursing managementAbstract
Learning takes place in the interaction between people through the teaching process, from which the academic community appropriates socially established knowledge. In nursing, teaching education is essential for nursing education, and the role of the teacher in this aspect is fundamental for teaching-learning. Identify the students' expectations in relation to the discipline of hospital management, as well as the gaps found in the methodologies applied in the teaching process. The field research used a questionnaire structured by the researchers. 31 students from the last year of nursing participated in the research. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Unifunec. The data were analyzed in the Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Word programs. Of the 31 students interviewed, 55% (17) had a basic notion of how to identify the functions of the nurse manager, 16% (5) could not identify, 16% (5) knew how to identify with some difficulty, 13% (4) easily identified. Regarding the methodologies applied, technological advances were monitored, 51% (16) considered that partially, 39% (12) considered yes, 10% (3) considered no. It was identified that the discipline of hospital management generates many expectations in the students and, at the same time, point out gaps in the construction of this knowledge. Further research is suggested to find alternatives that allow the proximity of reality to learning and in the preparation of nurses to deal with managerial functions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Igor Donizete Fernandes, Haiany Cruz dos Santos, Fabiano da Silva Feitosa, Anayque Taihara de Oliveira Ribeiro, Taíse Jordão Zanzarini, Jussara Britto Batista Gonçalves, Elena Carla Batista Mendes, Rogério Rodrigo Ramos

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Accepted 2021-12-31
Published 2022-01-01