Leadership in education and the phenomenon of the glass ceiling
sex, gender, professional equality, leadership in education, glass ceilingAbstract
In recent years there has been an increase in the presence of women in management positions. However, many studies have shown that women are treated stereotypically in the workplace. In particular, both the biological and the social sex as it is formed through stereotypes and prejudices, create obstacles, inhibiting the promotion of women to leadership positions. These obstacles are usually invisible and are the so-called Glass Ceiling phenomenon. As a result, women are under-represented in high-ranking positions as they are evaluated by different criteria than men. In the field of education, although the majority of teachers are women, the leadership of the educational units is presented to belong to men in a way that exudes "hegemonic masculinity" (Daraki, 2007), since it is governed by masculine values. Nevertheless, women have entered the field of work education dynamically, with the result that the 20th century is characterized as a century of women. Of course, the "weak sex" has given and gives many struggles in its effort to break the Glass Roof and strengthen its position in the labor and social sector.
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