Analysis of pathologies caused by humidity in civil construction
Pathology, moisture, waterproofing, durabilityAbstract
In search of better comfort and productivity, man has sought information, since antiquity, about civil construction, because, as society has become more complex, knowledge about construction has become an essential skill for human beings. In this context, the present work aims to present a simplified theoretical review on pathologies caused by humidity, and added to these characteristics, to approach ways for possible solutions, seeking to remedy the different problems caused. The present study was written through a bibliographic review on the different problems caused by pathologies caused by humidity, with a focus on solutions. For this, research was carried out on the subject, through a survey of theoretical sources (journals, scientific articles, books, theses, among others) and a theoretical framework that underlies the history of civil construction and the different characteristics acquired over the years. time. Humidity is a pathology that causes some problems in construction and mainly impacts the financial management of the project, as the final value of the work can undergo major changes until the final solution of the problem. Humidity can cause fissures and cracks, compromising part of the construction structure, in addition to other problems that affect aesthetics, such as mold, efflorescence, mildew, blisters in the paint, loss of plaster and rust. As the main causes identified for the appearance of this pathology, we can mention the lack of prevention, since the lack of waterproofing products compromises the quality of the work, causing infiltrations. The lack of ventilation and high humidity in the environment must also be observed, as they generate moisture by condensation resulting in problems such as stains and mold on ceilings and walls. The hydraulic installation is also considered, since it is important that this system has the correct and necessary sealing to avoid contact of water with the structure.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lucas Negreiros da Silva, Gabriel Alberto Bastos Gomes, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Cardoso dos Santos

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Accepted 2022-12-16
Published 2023-01-01