ABC Curve Application in Materials Stock Optimization in a Restaurant in Manaus - Amazonas
Inventory Management, ABC Curve, Supply chainAbstract
In a highly competitive global scenario, companies are looking for ways to optimize their processes, reducing costs and improving the quality of their products. In this context, several tools were developed to improve the companies' inventory management, one of them being the ABC Curve as a method to hierarchize the inventory according to the intrinsic value of each material, allowing the analysis of how the supply should work. from each supplier. The present work aims to perform the application of the ABC curve method in the zagaia restaurant, located in the city of Manaus / AM that will allow the stock hierarchy and will be through the classification of the raw material according to its annual demand and its Unit price. As a premise, a bibliographic research on content planning and inventory management was adopted, as well as an on-site study to catalog the items and check with the restaurant management, their values, their quantities and how the chain works. of supplies. The results presented confirm that Class A items need greater attention due to their high value, while Class C items do not impact financially as much, but need attention to be properly allocated within inventory as they represent the largest volume.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Brunno Vasconcelos Costa, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa, Francisco Carlos Tavares Amorim

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