Application of methodology 5s in an industrial assembly company in the City of Manaus, AM
5S Program, Quality, ImprovementAbstract
The 5S Program is used to promote quality management in any business environment that seeks growth in its niche, minimizing process losses, costs and waste, increasing production and product quality. Thus, this article aims to demonstrate the improvements implemented with the application of the 5S Program in the machining sector in an assembly company Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM) that focuses on a pull production system. The research is of an applied nature, consisting of a bibliographical survey and a case study in the assembly company from July to October 2022. In the application of the tolerated meanings, the organization of items that were being used, as well as those that admitted were unused, disposal of worn-out materials that could no longer be used, accommodation of tools and equipment in their proper places, so that everyone could have access. The sense of cleanliness was applied to the use of cleaning kits allocated in supports oriented to the five production lines of the machining sector. The sense of standardization determined the cleaning of the machines in three stages, in a total time of 6 minutes, the sense of self-discipline, requires verification with more time, to identify whether the principles become a company culture. The benefits identified from the implementation of 5S are the elimination of waste, optimization of time and space, teamwork, improvements in health, reduction of accidents etc.
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Accepted 2023-01-25
Published 2023-02-02