Organization isomorphism and the search for knowledge and its influence on innovative performance
A study at APL Taquaral Goiás, Brazil
local productive arrangement (APL)., Culture of Innovation, organizational isomorphism., management., Regionality.Abstract
This research sought to analyse the occurrence of organizational isomorphism and search for knowledge among the companies participating in the Local Productive Arrangement of Confections of Taquaral - GO, observing the effects of these elements on the innovative performance of the arrangement. As a methodological path, the exploratory and descriptive nature is recognized. As for the research design, it is understood as a survey, using the scale created by Zhang & Hu (2017). The practice of imitation (organizational isomorphism) by companies was observed, taking into account the two types of knowledge: exploratory and exploitative. It was found that there are institutional practices and strategic actions by the cluster organizations that have isomorphic characteristics, both for coercive and normative nature and for mimetics, in individual and also integrated formats. A framework was developed that demonstrated how organizational isomorphism influences the search for knowledge (Exploratory and Exploitative) in which it was seen that companies are able to innovate in models and materials through imitation, but innovation of processes and new technologies is quite incipient, due to technical and financial incapacity.
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Accepted 2023-01-25
Published 2023-02-01