An Appraisal Of Cottage Industrial Solid Waste Management Practices In Mubi Metropolis, Nigeria.
Cottage, Industry, Solid Waste, ManagementAbstract
The study examines cottage industrial solid waste management practices in Mubi Metropolis where the generation and management were dominantly the focal points. Collection of data was largely based on reconnaissance and questionnaire surveys. The survey administered a set of questionnaire to 124 cottage firms, where data collected were summarized and presented in form of percentages and tables. Consequently, descriptive and quantitative statistical analysis for valid decision making was employed. Analysis however reveals the major types of cottage firms as grain polishing or husk removal, furniture making, bakery, flour mills, water packaging and brick/block industry, where findings shows waste generated by them being peculiar to what they produce, as saw dust, grain husk, charcoal and ashes pure water bags and brick/block rubbles. Some of the waste generated are reusable and are sold as animal feed or given out to people for free which is dumped on farmland as soil amend. Concerted cottage industrial waste reuse or recycling which partly forms the cornerstones to shrinking the overwhelming urban waste problem in the area is ardently recommended.
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