Adult Learners’ Perceptions Of Using Social Networking Tools In Their Learning Processes


  • Elizabeth Auma Ochola University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Dorothy Omollo University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Norbert Basweti University of Nairobi, Kenya



Social networking tools, Adult learning, perception


Social networks are increasingly gaining importance in higher education by offering learners opportunity to virtually interact with colleagues and lecturers. The ability to leverage Social Networking Sites (SNS) for meaningful learning activities has the potential to benefit the modern adult learner who has to balance a career, family obligations, and the goals of attending college. This paper is a case study that highlights the use of Google Plus and Whatsup in the learning processes of MBA students at the University of Nairobi. The participants of this study were drawn from the MBA evening class of 500 students between ages 19 and49 years. The research used a single quantitative and qualitative case study approach to explore the benefits associated with incorporating social networking functionalities within an adult’s learning experience; the preferred social networking sites and why? Adult learners experiences in utilizing social networking services; the pros and cons of using the social networks in learning. The findings reveal positive uptake with a few challenges including: computer illiteracy, resistance to new technology, concerns for privacy and information overload from lecturers’ posts.


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Author Biographies

  • Elizabeth Auma Ochola, University of Nairobi, Kenya

    PhD Student (Communication Studies- Moi University); MA Linguistics and African Languages), Assistant Lecturer, Department of Communication Skills and Studies,

  • Dorothy Omollo, University of Nairobi, Kenya

    PhD Communication Studies, Lecturer, Department of Communication Skills and Studies

  • Norbert Basweti, University of Nairobi, Kenya

    MA Linguistics and African Languages), Assistant Lecturer, Department of Communication Skills and Studies,


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How to Cite

Ochola, E. A., Omollo, D., & Basweti, N. (2016). Adult Learners’ Perceptions Of Using Social Networking Tools In Their Learning Processes. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4(2), 64-70.