Corrupt behaviors of agents and users of public service in Cotonou in the face of representation of money and ethno-linguistic affiliations
Representations, directorate, corruption, money, changing the minds, ethnolinguistics affiliations, attitudesAbstract
The present study aimed to measure the link between representations of money, ethnolinguistics affiliations and the nature of corruption among agents and users of public services. The numerous legal mechanisms put in place have produced limited results without big effects. Thus, this survey raises the problem of the persistence (obstinacy) of corruption in spite of the multiple efforts taken various levels (institutional, national, and international). The sample of the study consists, on the one hand, of 100 users of public services chosen at random at the Directorate of Treasure and Public Accounting (DGTCP) and at the General Directorate of Taxes and Domains (DGID) in Benin. And on the other hand, of 50 agents in public service; identified in the two directorates according to their contact with the users in the exercise of their functions. Two different questionnaires were used to collect data on the two targets (of agents). The results from the correlation and regression analysis confirm the existence of a significant link between the representation of money, ethnolinguistics affiliations of the agents and users of public services and the behavior of corruption. The results of this research will allow authorities at various levels to better understand the behavior of corruption of the agents and users of public service and it will also be of use in the drafting of measures that aim at changing people’s behavior for an effective and productive fight against corruption.
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