Designing a Supplementary Reading Using Cultural Language Learning Approach (CLLA)


  • Hermayawati Setiadi Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Indonesia



ELT, CLLA, developmental research, tourist guides, cultural heritages


This paper reports on a project findings concerning the design of a Supplementary Reading Book using Cultural Language Learning Approach ( CLLA). The project was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia that generally aimed at designing supplementary reading materials using CLLA as a guide book for tourist guides who worked for Sonobudoyo Museum. The book is entitled “The Javanese Cultural Heritages Reserved in Sonobudoyo Museum (JCHRSM)”. This utilized a developmental research design, which consisted of three procedures, namely: (1) exploration, aiming to analyze the needs of the tour guides of Sonobudoyo Museum; (2) development, to design a supplementary reading guide book for the (candidate) tourist guides working for Sonobudoyo Museum; and (3) validation, to find the designed guide book accuracy. This study found: (1) The tour guides’ needs was JCHRSM using CLLA; (2) the designed book was matched with the tour guides’ needs; and (3) the designed guide book was judged accurate and compatible for Sonobudoyo tour guides. This was judged accurate since: (1) it was designed based on the results of the tour guide needs analysis and book’s content analysis as suggested by McDonough and McDonough; (2) the 12 times cyclical treatments resulted continually learning improvement on the trainees’ reading skills; and (3) the guide book validation through statistical analysis using Mean Difference (Md) formula and One-shot study experimental design yielded significant gain score between the average score of pretest and post-test, i.e. 8.2>5.6. Besides, the result of FGD (Focus Group Discussion) also indicated that the supplementary reading guide book was recommended as an alternative reference especially for Sonobudoyo tour guides.


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How to Cite

Setiadi, H. (2017). Designing a Supplementary Reading Using Cultural Language Learning Approach (CLLA). International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 5(8), 111-128.