Misconceptions about Atomic Models Amongst the Chemistry Students
Critical thinking, Higher education, College students, Motivation pedagogyAbstract
Bohr’s model is a semi-classical model which involves both classical and quantum principles. Although more sophisticated Schrödinger model has been presented to students, the residual picture in their minds persists to consider Bohr’s model to be the closest to the physical reality. We included few questions about Bohr’s model in tests to assess the students’ understandings of realistic atomic models in general-chemistry courses offered for freshmen in two universities in the Middle-East (namely, Yarmouk University at Irbid, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates University at Al-Ain, UAE, from both a statistical sample of 687 students was collected). The results reveal the existence of huge misconceptions amongst a large portion of the students’ sample (i.e., ≥ 85%). Alternative solutions are discussed and suggested to draw a strategy to better dissimilate the knowledge in order to overcome the existing learning difficulties.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Nacir Tit, Ehab O. Malkawi, Safwan M. Obeidat, Nathir A.F. Al-Rawashdeh, Ihab M. Obaidat

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