The Technological Indicators and Plant Biodiversity
Systematic Review
scientific production, technological innovation, patentsAbstract
The use of plant biodiversity in the elaboration of products or processes contributes to the progress of technological innovation and to the recognition of the profitable potential of biological resources. Therefore, this research aims to perform a systematic review on technological indicators of the use of genetic patrimony, specifically of vegetal biodiversity, to identify concepts and measurement techniques. A systematic survey was carried out at the bases of Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct using thematic strings (Genetic Patrimony, Plant Biodiversity and Technological Indicator). The recovered files were exported for analysis in StArt software. There was no mention of the topic, so the systematic review analyzed articles selected by combining strings adopting inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research made it possible to identify relevant and guiding data on the subject studied, but did not reveal the existence of an indicator or index that relates the use of vegetal biodiversity to the production of patents.
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Copyright (c) 2019 VALERIA MELO MENDONÇA, Marta Jeidjane Borges Ribeiro, Ramon Santos Carvalho, Jandira Reis Vasconcelos, Gilton José Ferreira da Silva, Mário Jorge Campos dos Santos

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