Patentometric Profile of Social Water
patents, social water technologies, droughtAbstract
There are regions of the planet that are affected by climatological conditions that cause water scarcity. Thus, innovative techniques have emerged with the purpose of mitigating the reflexes caused by the natural factor: drought. These innovations arise with the objective of capturing, storing and carrying out rainwater treatment for the population. These, called social water technologies, comprise products, techniques or replicable methodologies that are developed specifically to solve the problem of water shortages. The present work aims to analyze the profile of innovations generated by social water technologies through the LATIPAT, INPI and WIPO bases. To search for patents, keywords that were relevant to the research were used and combined with Boolean operators. 907 patents were identified, the largest concentration of deposits in China, justified by the fact that the country adopts development policies that invest in R&D, differentiating itself from other countries. Among the patents analyzed there is a higher concentration of deposits related to the area of human needs and water treatment.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ramon Santos Carvalho, Valéria Melo Mendonça , Gilton José Ferreira da Silva, Mário Jorge Campos dos Santos

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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01