Poverty and Education in Algeria
The Impact of Non-School Factors using a Multinomial Econometric Approach
Poverty, Education, MDG, Multinomial, AlgeriaAbstract
Using a multinomial logit measurement, we aim through this paper to quantify the relationship between poverty and education. A subjective measurement of poverty is used with non school factors in quantifying such relationship. For a better understanding of the linkage Poverty-Education, a Multinomial regression model is applied to a representative survey of 500 households in the region of Tlemcen. According to our results , variables such as: individual housing, household's head instruction's level ,expenditures on education , the gender (male), and the age are common variables whatever poverty status. As far as policy makers are concerned, education is seen as a vital player in economic and social development. Accordingly, the higher is the education level the more likely it contributes to household poverty alleviation. Our results are of great importance to Algerian policy makers as long as it shows some significant variables which should be taken in consideration in drawing policies.
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