Economic feasibility study for the installation of a cogeneration system in a timber industry of lagessc
Electrical energy, cogeneration, investment, biomassAbstract
This research thematic is the Economic Viability Study, in order to implement a cogeneration system, in a logging company, located in the Santa Catarina highland plateau region. Thus, reducing its production cost, since much of it is due electricity purchase. Data collection of both production, consumption and expenses with electricity purchase and billing were carried out together with the company. Descriptive method was used, with case study. For the economic analysis, both net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period were used. With this information and crossing the data, the economic viability for this project became evident, as it can be visualized throughout of this article.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Scharles Roberto Vargas, Graciela Alessandra Dela Rocca, Nathielle Waldrigues Branco, José Adelir Wolf, Fernanda Cristina Silva Ferreira
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