Active Methodologies

From Text to Context - A Possible Approach


  • IGOR BEZERRA Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of the Amazon, Brazil
  • Janegleicy Sanches Del Sol University, Brazil
  • Cristina Ferreira Del Sol University, Brazil
  • Raimundo de Oliveira Del Sol University, Brazil
  • Ricardo Parente Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of the Amazon, Brazil
  • Jorge Brito Júnior Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of the Amazon, Brazil
  • Antonio Estanislau Sanches University of the State of Amazonas, Brazil.



Active School, meaningful learning, student protagonism


The article active methodology: From the text to the context - A possible approach - consists of a bibliographic essay that relates didactic procedures denominated of active methodologies with the epistemological principles of the main progressive pedagogical tendencies, giving them theoretical and scientific support and constituting like a methodological didactic alternative capable of satisfying the peculiarities of the current social context and pedagogical relations that values the student and places it at the center of the process of teaching and learning meaningful .. The study searches in the studies of authors that resort to the basic assumptions of the New School Movement (From the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century) and from Vygotsky's Theories (1896-1934), Dewey (1859-1952), Ausubel (1918-2008) and Paulo Freire (1921-1997) and their association of principles in active methodologies as well as technically sound didactic procedures that can be pedagogical practices.


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Author Biographies

  • IGOR BEZERRA, Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of the Amazon, Brazil

    Research Department

  • Janegleicy Sanches, Del Sol University, Brazil

    Master's Degree in Education 

  • Cristina Ferreira, Del Sol University, Brazil

    Master's Degree in Education

  • Raimundo de Oliveira, Del Sol University, Brazil

    PhD in Education

  • Ricardo Parente, Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of the Amazon, Brazil

    Research Department

  • Jorge Brito Júnior, Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of the Amazon, Brazil

    Research Department


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How to Cite

BEZERRA, I. ., Sanches, J., Ferreira, C., de Oliveira, R. ., Parente, R., Brito Júnior, J., & Sanches, A. E. (2019). Active Methodologies: From Text to Context - A Possible Approach. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(7), 267-280.

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