Influence of the Manager’s Characteristics on the SME Performance in Senegal
Manager, SME, Performance, quantile regression, Upper Echelons TheoryAbstract
The Small and Medium-sized Entreprises (SMEs) represent the most important part of companies in all economies. In Senegal, they constitute 90% of companies, contribute to up to 30% of job creations and participate in the national value added training for up to 20%. In most of the countries, the SME is defined by the number of employees, the turnover and the investment; but what characterizes it, in particular, is the manager’s central position (Julien, 1997). It is him who assumes the responsibility for defining the vision, combining the different resources and setting up strategies to lead the SME towards performance.
In Senegal, very little work basically focuses on the SME manager and namely his or her personal characteristics. The ambition of this paper is also to study the manager’s characteristics which influence the performance of his company. It is based on the theoretical framework of the Upper Echelons Theory (UET) developed by Hambrick and Mason (1984).
The results which are obtained from a sample of 202 Senegalese SMEs show that the manager’s characteristics namely the age and the high level of education have a positive impact on the SMEs performance.
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